Tuesday, April 22, 2008


乘着大伙儿都在吉隆坡, 我们提早给外婆庆祝生日. 难得表姐, 表妹, 表弟们能聚在一起, 就一定得留相纪念了. 说实在的, 我们真的不常相见, 这一天在晚饭时间倒谈得相当欢畅, 很难得呢. 这种聚会能不能多有几次呢?


Sigrun said...

Is it AhMa's birthday? Your mum looks so much like Amanda. I think she's had her hair cut? Mynn sure is beautiful in her dress. Great beauty, she is.

Cilipadi said...

yes, is ah Ma's birthday and my parents happen to be in town. Hey thanks to you for Mynn's pretty look :)